About the Book : Pharmacologic intervention is a cornerstone of paramedic treatment. Paramedic: Pharmacology Applications covers the relevant issues of pharmacology as they relate to the field practice of the paramedic. The text gives students a compr…
Andrew, his cousin Judy, and super-smart robot Thudd escape the bathtub-only to get flushed down the toilet! Now they have to find their way through a…
While in the Australian desert, ant-sized Andrew, his cousin Judy, and Thudd the robot are carried away by a dust-devil and face many dangerous creatures, from…
Lost in an Australian rainforest, Andrew, Judy, and Thudd the robot, who are still the size of insects, must evade Rhinoceros beetles, tarantulas, flesh-eating plants, and…
Andrew, Judy, and Thudd drive the Water Bug deep into the ocean, where the only light comes from strange glowing creatures. Just as they're passing over…
When Andrew and Judy's neighbor gives her dog a bath, microscopic Andrew and Judy find themselves washed off the dog and lost in the bathroom! They'll…
After getting unshrunk, Andrew, Judy, and Thudd take a much needed vacation to Hawaii. While making modifications to Uncle Al's latest invention-the submarine-like Water Bug-Andrew ends…
When Andrew's latest invention, the Atom Sucker, goes haywire, Andrew and Judy are shrunk down to microscopic level! Andrew and Judy find themselves lost on their…
There are no recent books concerning the right heart, the function and characteristics of which are extremely important in congenital heart disease and is assuming increased…
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