African Business is regarded as one of the leading international business magazines. For over 40 years, it has provided decision-makers around the world with a valuable source of accurate information on business trends, risks and opportunities in Afri…
Advances in wireless technologies promise to reshape the way we conduct business. Yet to make wireless e-business work effectively, a variety of enabling technologies are needed.…
To the casual observer, the oil business seems constant and unchanging. The familiarity of the oil industryA[a?a[s retail outlets masks extraordinary changes in how the industry…
Quarterly Elite Business magazine catalogues ongoing business trends facing primarily UK businesses but with an eye towards international events. Each issue promises an on-hand look at start-ups and Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs), their suc…
About the Book : Business and Polity explores, through a variety of economic and political formations over the past two and a half millennia, right from…
The mass production of standardized goods was the source of America's economic strength for generations. But in today's turbulent business environment mass production no longer works;…
Coming Soon
Cambridge International AS and A Level Business Studies Revision Guide has been designed to help students prepare for Cambridge International AS and A Level Business Studies…