While being both entertaining and enjoyable, this new edition of Basic Pathology is a straightforward introduction to pathology and the mechanisms of disease. It puts pathology…
The material addressed in this book forms the foundation of undergraduate lecture courses on d-block chemistry and facilitates learning through various key features.…
Bacteriologists from all levels of expertise and within all specialties rely on this Manual as one of the most comprehensive and authoritative works. Since publication of the first edition of the Systematics, the field has undergone revolutionary chan…
In this the first book ever written about the CIAas Office of Technical Service, former director Robert Wallace (a real-life Q, straight out of the James…
This Atlas of Endomicroscopy is the first book dealing with the new insights of endomicroscopy. It provides an overview about the development, the requirements, the technique,…
Before his legendary runs on GREEN LANTERN, JUSTICE LEAGUE and THE FLASH, Geoff Johns reinvigorated another iconic DC hero--Hawkman As he struggles to adjust to his new life, Hawkman tries desperately to rekindle his relationship with Hawkgirl. But …