
Showing 443 Results for Michael W Lucas Grid | List
  • The Chemokine Receptors By Jeffrey K Harrison Rs.21,675 Rs.19,074
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    This volume, new to The Receptors series, focuses on several areas, including the birth, maturation, and structure of Chemokines; Neutrophil, Dendritic, and Lymphocyte trafficking; and Chemokine…
  • Pulmonary Hypertension By Nicholas S Hill Rs.11,154
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    This timely volume addresses the areas of pathophysiology and therapy of pulmonary hypertension, which have seen exciting developments. Expert authors describe new therapies that have led…
  • Oxford Dictionary of Scientific Quotations By W F Bynum Rs.1,013
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    Shipping Cost Per Unit Rs.2,766
    The original words announcing great scientific discoveries, from the first 'Eureka!' to the cloning of Dolly the sheep, can all be found in this fascinating addition to the world-famous Oxford Quotations series. An essential reference tool, put togeth…
  • Thermodynamics By Patrick Jacobs Rs.5,163
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    Suitable for honours and BSc students majoring in physical chemistry, this book emphasizes on applications of thermodynamics to liquids and solids as well as gases. It also helps students learn that thermodynamics can be applied to systems which are n…
  • Combustion: Physical and Chemical … By J Warnatz Rs.8,175 Rs.7,521
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    This book provides a rigorous treatment of the coupling of chemical reactions and fluid flow. Combustion-specific topics of chemistry and fluid mechanics are considered and tools…
  • Clinical Epidemiology By Robert H Fletcher Rs.3,591 Rs.3,303
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  • Tarzan of the Apes By Edgar Rice Burroughs Rs.371 Rs.289
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    Ships in 17 - 22 Days
    The classic tale of adventure and romanceain a vibrant new package…
  • Autobiographies By Charles Darwin Rs.975 Rs.760
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    Self-taught and ambitious, Charles Darwin is most famous for his groundbreaking-and to some still controversial-theory of evolution and natural selection. In Autobiographies the great scientist weighs…
  • Multimedia Semantics The Role of Metadata By Michael Granitzer Rs.14,925 Rs.13,731
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    This book gives an overview on fundamental issues within the field of multimedia metadata focusing on contextualized, ubiquitous, accessible and interoperable services on a higher semantic…
  • Lady Chatterley's Lover By D H Lawrence Rs.1,125 Rs.877
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    Ships in 11 - 18 Days
    Bold, passionate, and erotic, "Lady Chatterley's Lover" is a truly classic novel of the 20th century, now available in a Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition.…
  • Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming: … By Michael Affenzeller Rs.8,025
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    Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming: Modern Concepts and Practical Applications discusses algorithmic developments in the context of genetic algorithms (GAs) and genetic programming (GP). It applies…
  • A Series of Unfortunate Events# 13: The End By Lemony Snicket Rs.974 Rs.759
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    Shipping Cost Per Unit Rs.2,250
    All things must come to an end. Thankfully, this includes A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket. The 13th and final installment in the groundbreaking…
  • Mission to Tibet: The Extraordinary … By Ippolito Desideri Rs.2,621 Rs.2,044
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    Mission to Tibet recounts the fascinating eighteenth-century journey of the Jesuit priest Ippolito Desideri (1684-1733) to the Tibetan plateau. The Italian missionary was most notably the…
  • The Innocents Abroad By Mark Twain Rs.828
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    Shipping Cost Per Unit Rs.2,766
    Based on a series of letters Mark Twain wrote from Europe to newspapers in San Francisco and New York as a roving correspondent, "The Innocents Abroad"…
    Also available in: The Innocents Abroad
  • Netter's Correlative Imaging: … By Md Nancy M Major Rs.26,035
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  • Clashes of Knowledge: Orthodoxies and … By Michael Welker Rs.12,516
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    Do traditional distinctions between "belief" and "knowledge" still make sense? How are differences between knowledge and belief understood in different cultural contexts? This book explores conflicts…
Showing 443 Results for Michael W Lucas Grid | List
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