Horror legend Ray Russell s haunting and macabre stories, including perhaps the finest example of the modern Gothic ever written (Stephen King), with a foreword by acclaimed filmmaker Guillermo del Toro Haunted Castles is the definitive, complete …
For painters of every level, this comprehensive volume presents each creative process in clear, full-color photographic sequences. From mixing colors and applying washes to tonal studies…
Now in paperback, it's the critically acclaimed graphic novel THE LEGEND OF WONDER WOMAN On the hidden island of Themyscira, the Amazons, led by Queen Hippolyta, live in a kingdom of peace, protected by the gods. But the balance is upset when Hippol…
This volume of the Handbook of Neurochemistry and Molecular Neurobiology characterizes pathologies resulting from traumatic brain and spinal cord injury as well as various neurodegenerative diseases,…
"Filling an important gap in a topical and fast-evolving area, this interesting book will be a valuable addition to the astrophysics literature. The scientific content is…
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About The Book "'Sir, I would like you to make a film in Hindi because I am in the Hindi film industry, or in English, or if not, then in Bengali.' When Suresh Jindal said these words to Satyajit Ray in 1974, he was a rookie producer with a single fil…
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