If you have obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), chances are that your persistent obsessive thoughts and time-consuming compulsions keep you from enjoying life to the fullest. But when you are in the habit of avoiding the things you fear, the idea of…
This introductory treatment focuses on methods of superposition and reciprocity, illustrating applications that include computation of thermal neutron fluxes and the superposition principle in resonance escape…
This book will assist clinicians to understand the current evidence for the role of probiotics in various pediatric disorders related to the gastrointestinal and the extra-intestinal…
Covering such topics as a taxonomic classification system, methodology based on scientific method, experiments in support of bloodstain pattern analysis, and various presumptive testing and enhancement…
Official NASA publication marks the 40th anniversary of the first lunar landing and features essays by project participants recalling engineering and administrative challenges. Accessible, jargon-free accounts,…
In "The Leadership Engine," Noel Tichy showed how great companies strive to create leaders at all levels of the organization, and how those leaders actively develop…
About the Book: Defence Economics is an emotive subject. Its protagonists are merchants of death; it leads to war and great human misery, it uses global…
Do consumers really care where products come from and how they are made? Is there such a thing as an 'ethical consumer'? Corporations and policy makers…
"The sedimentary record on Earth stretches back more than 4.3 billion years and is present in more abbreviated forms on companion planets of the Solar System,…
The Third Edition of this README FIRST for a User s Guide to Qualitative Methods offers those new to qualitative inquiry a clear and practical handbook…
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