Books and magazines
Smart Chefs Stay Slim: Lessons in Eating and … By Art Smith Rs.1,200 Rs.936 In StockSold by Infibeam SellerShips in 10 - 15 Days"How do you stay thin with a job like that?" This is the question many food loving mortals often pose to celebrity chefs. Clearly they indulge…
The Maths Behind By Chris Smith Rs.1,382 Rs.1,078 In StockSold by Infibeam SellerShips in 7 - 9 Days
The Autograph Man By Zadie Smith Rs.828 Rs.646 In StockSold by Infibeam SellerShips in 7 - 9 DaysAlex-Li Tandem sells autographs. His business is to hunt for names on paper, collect them, sell them, and occasionally fake them--all to give the people what they want: a little piece of Fame. But what does Alex want? Only the return of his father, th…
Believing: An Historical Perspective By Wilfred Cantwell Smith Rs.1,474 In StockSold by Infibeam SellerShips in 15 - 18 DaysShipping Cost Per Unit Rs.2,766In this radical study, William Cantwell Smith traces the history of believing through a combination of philosophical perspective and the study of biblical passages.…
The Map That Changed the World: William … By Simon Winchester Rs.1,124 Rs.876 In StockSold by Infibeam SellerShips in 5 - 7 DaysShipping Cost Per Unit Rs.2,250In 1793, a canal digger named William Smith made a startling discovery. He found that by tracing the placement of fossils, which he uncovered in his…
Principles of Food Sanitation By Norman G Marriott Rs.5,310 Rs.2,892 In StockSold by Infibeam SellerShips in 3 - 5 DaysIn this era of emphasis on food safety and security, high-volume food processing and preparation operations have increased the need for improved sanitary practices from processing…
The Fairer Sex: A Tale of Shades and Angels … By John Ira Thomas Rs.872 Rs.364 In StockSold by Infibeam SellerShips in 3 - 5 DaysThe women are different now. They have seen her, heard about her, know her somehow. She has shown them something they understand. "See, things are different…
The Limits to Growth: The 30 Year Update By Donella H Meadows Rs.1,565 Rs.1,221 In StockSold by Infibeam SellerShips in 7 - 9 DaysIn 1972, three scientists from MIT created a computer model that analyzed global resource consumption and production. Their results shocked the world and created stirring conversation about global 'overshoot, ' or resource use beyond the carrying capa…
Pharmacology Condensed[ With Student Consult … By Maureen M Dale Rs.2,488 Rs.2,438 In StockSold by Infibeam SellerShips in 15 - 18 DaysShipping Cost Per Unit Rs.2,766Pharmacology Condensed, 2nd Edition is a companion volume to Rang et al's Pharmacology, sets out to provide the reader with the quintessence of pharmacology, delineating, in…
Avian Influenza and Newcastle Disease: A … By Ilaria Capua Rs.8,747 In StockSold by Infibeam SellerShips in 11 - 18 DaysAvian Influenza (AI) and Newcastle Disease (ND) are two devastating diseases of poultry, which cause losses to the poultry industry and influence the liveability of rural…
Bayesian Decision Analysis: Principles and … By Jim Q Smith Rs.5,216 In StockSold by Infibeam SellerShips in 11 - 18 Days
Clever Lollipop By Dick King Smith Rs.552 In StockSold by Infibeam SellerShips in 15 - 18 DaysDick King-Smith delights readers again with an enchanting tale of an intelligent pig, her royal family, and one very special teacher. Princess Penelope doesn't know how…
Fox Busters By Dick King Smith Rs.552 In StockSold by Infibeam SellerShips in 15 - 18 DaysFlightless, helpless and often, frankly, more than a little silly, chickens are no match for the cunning, merciless foxes stalking their coop. Or are they? Thanks…
The Top 10 Distinctions Between Millionaires … By Keith Cameron Smith Rs.1,121 Rs.874 In StockSold by Infibeam SellerShips in 11 - 18 DaysRevealing the knowledge of some of the most successful people on the planet, this title leads readers to the path to becoming both rich and happy.…
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter By Seth Grahame Smith Rs.1,049 Rs.818 In StockSold by Infibeam SellerShips in 5 - 7 DaysShipping Cost Per Unit Rs.2,250
Tornado! : The Story Behind These Twisting, … By Judith Bloom Fradin Rs.921 Rs.713Coming SoonComing Soon Through riveting narrative and eyewitness stories, young readers learn what it's really like to be caught in a monster tornado. Captivating first-person accounts and news reports…