Books and magazines
The Autobiography of Mark Twain By Charles Neider Rs.1,199 Rs.935 In StockSold by Infibeam SellerShips in 5 - 7 DaysShipping Cost Per Unit Rs.2,250Mark Twain was a figure larger than life: massive in talent, eruptive in temperament, unpredictable in his actions. He crafted stories of heroism, adventure, tragedy, and…
Murder on St. Mark's Place By Victoria Thompson Rs.599 Rs.467 In StockSold by Infibeam SellerShips in 17 - 22 DaysAs a midwife in the turn-of-the-century tenements of New York City, Sarah Brandt has seen suffering and joy, birth and death - and even murder. And…
A Spot of Bother. Mark Haddon By Mark Haddon Rs.828 In StockSold by Infibeam SellerShips in 15 - 18 Days
The History of Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia By Samuel Johnson Rs.828 Rs.646 In StockSold by Infibeam SellerShips in 7 - 9 DaysThis scarce antiquarian book is included in our special Legacy Reprint Series. In the interest of creating a more extensive selection of rare historical book reprints, we have chosen to reproduce this title even though it may possibly have occasional …
Clash of Civilizations By Samuel P Huntington Rs.921 Rs.718 In StockSold by Infibeam SellerShips in 7 - 9 Days
Introduction to the Global Oil & Gas Business By Samuel A Van Vactor Rs.6,225 Rs.5,727 In StockSold by Infibeam SellerShips in 10 - 15 DaysTo the casual observer, the oil business seems constant and unchanging. The familiarity of the oil industryA[a?a[s retail outlets masks extraordinary changes in how the industry…
Cosmo and the Magic Sneeze By Gwyneth Rees Rs.674 Rs.525 In StockSold by Infibeam SellerShips in 17 - 22 Days
Vascular Access: Principles and Practice By Samuel Eric Wilson Rs.14,611 In StockSold by Infibeam SellerShips in 10 - 15 DaysThis practical and comprehensive book provides "how-to" information on all aspects of access to the vascular system for hemodialysis, parenteral nutrition, chemotherapy, and resuscitation. Preoperative evaluation,…
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Mark … By Mark Twain Rs.552 In StockSold by Infibeam SellerShips in 15 - 18 Days
Aesop's Fables By Jack Zipes Rs.371 Rs.289 In StockSold by Infibeam SellerShips in 17 - 22 DaysBeautifully illustrated with 50 classic woodcuts by the French artist J.J. Grandville, this collection of 203 of Aesop's most enduring and popular fables features a new…
Contemporary Debates on Terrorism By Richard Jackson Rs.3,768 In StockSold by Infibeam SellerShips in 11 - 18 DaysContemporary Debates on Terrorism is an innovative new textbook, addressing a number of key issues in contemporary terrorism studies from both 'traditional' and 'critical' perspectives. In…
Inanna By Diane Wolkstein Rs.1,124 Rs.876 In StockSold by Infibeam SellerShips in 5 - 7 DaysShipping Cost Per Unit Rs.2,250A fresh retelling of the ancient texts about Ishtar, the world's first goddess. Illustrated with visual artifacts of the period. "A great masterpiece of universal literature."--Mircea…
The Complete Poems By Samuel Taylor Coleridge Rs.1,350 Rs.1,053 In StockSold by Infibeam SellerShips in 11 - 18 DaysThis Penguin English Poets edition of the poetry of Coleridge (1772-1834) contains the final texts of all the poems published in the poets lifetime, together with a substantial selection from the verse still in manuscript on his death. William Keach…
Panic Attack! : Art in the Punk Years By Mark Sladen Rs.2,810 Rs.1,020 In StockSold by Infibeam SellerShips in 3 - 5 DaysPanic Attack! is a vibrant visual account of British and American art between 1974 and 1984, a period of remarkable cultural energy when art became increasingly…
Finding Inner Courage By Mark Nepo Rs.1,197 Rs.928Coming SoonComing Soon About the Book : A years supply of inspiration every day and the perfect gift for yourself and your friends -Oprah Winfrey In Finding Inner Courage,…