The Greek satirist Lucian was a brilliantly entertaining writer who invented the comic dialogue as a vehicle for satiric comment. His influence was immense, not only…
In a field choked with seemingly impenetrable jargon, Philip N. Johnson-Laird has done the impossible: written a book about how the mind works that requires no…
About the Book : Pharmacologic intervention is a cornerstone of paramedic treatment. Paramedic: Pharmacology Applications covers the relevant issues of pharmacology as they relate to the field practice of the paramedic. The text gives students a compr…
About the Book : Business and Polity explores, through a variety of economic and political formations over the past two and a half millennia, right from…
This sequel to "The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty," the first of Anne Rice's (writing as A.N. Roquelaure) elegantly written volumes of erotica, continues her explicit, teasing…
Bringing together four of the most popular and widely studied of Ben Jonson's plays, this anthology focuses on the city comedies for which Jonson is best known today: The Alchemist (edited by Elizabeth Cook), Volpone (edited by Robert N. Watson), …
Shakespeare's vivid dramatic projection of moral and ethical issues in Measure for Measure has given the play great appeal to both readers and theatergoers. Exploring the…
About the Book: Defence Economics is an emotive subject. Its protagonists are merchants of death; it leads to war and great human misery, it uses global…
"Surveying Fundamentals and Practices, Sixth Edition," covers up-to-date surveying technology without losing perspective of the need to provide students with a strong foundation in traditional surveying…
Exploring the investigative approach to mathematics as set forth by the NCTM, this volume encourages critical thinking about mathematics instruction. Ideal for mathematics educators, the book…
Nanotechnology remains one of the most active and intriguing research and development areas. While the importance of novel devices and systems engineered at the nanoscale is…